Submit a Conference Resolution

Help Shape the League's Legislative Goals

Is there a topic that you think the League should be considering because it will improve local government, or it addresses an issue affecting local governance? Every year the League invites local officials to submit resolutions. Resolutions are reviewed by League staff, and when selected, presented at the Resolutions Committee meeting during the Annual League Conference for review by the committee. Resolutions and topic suggestions help the League staff identify issues impacting local governments throughout the State.

Contact us

Frank Marshall

Associate General Counsel
Phone: 609-695-3481, ext. 137
Email Frank

Details on Submission Process

Visit the Conference Resolutions Information page.

Submit Now

Two options exist for submitting.

  • Submit a full proposed resolution using the form on the League's website.
  • Don't have a resolution drafted but have a topic of concern? Submit your topic and League staff will review. If accepted, the League will contact you about the next steps.